About Us

About Us


My Blissful PetTM, formerly known as GiandWin, is a family-owned store for CBD pet supplements, our goal is to help dogs with addressable health issues so that they can enjoy to the max every little moment with their pet parents.



Seb is a trained father and research scientist that always loved pets. He grew up with cats and dogs and always had a soft spot for his furry four-legged friends. When he was younger, he DJ’d at parties donating all proceeds to the Buffalo Animal Shelter, and organized different dropoffs of goods at the Animal Shelter to help the pets in need.

He proudly rescued Ginger (an orange male cat who is now 14 yo) from his backyard, and soon after he adopted two rescued calico kitty sisters, Emy and Taby (now 12 yo) that still rule the house. After marrying his love (Heather) and having Gia (the real boss, see below), they decided to get a puppy…I mean, why not…and here came Winston (see below).

Gia and Winston were the real inspiration for this store. Gia is a helpless animal lover and Winston is a helpless everybody lover. Combining all this, Seb decided to create My Blissful PetTM with the goal of offering quality products while helping homeless animals.



Gia realized very early in life that she was very good in bossing ma’ and pa’ around. In her infancy she developed accurate models predicting tantrum efficacy with high degree of precision. Gia’s relentless iterative optimization process led her to apply her computational skill to e-commerce and product research. This, coupled with Gia’s unconditional love for Win and for any other furry friend, was the perfect recipe. It’s thanks to Gia’s research that we can now offer the best products for your best pet friends!



Win pays extreme attention to details and quality tests all products to ensure their taste, safety, and efficacy. His expertise comes from long training in destruction, fetching, begging for treats, chasing leaves, eating mulch, and snoring loudly. His experience is fundamental to the success of My Blissful PetTM, and he wants to thank you for being part of it.